What should I learn first in order to start learning developing Decentralized Apps?

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What should I learn first in order to start learning developing Decentralized Apps?

I am Finance and Investment professional, I would like to learn blockchain apps development at ETH platform, I have little or no programing background.

What should I first do to have basic understanding of programming to get good start at this platform? JavaScript, python???

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If you are a professional “money maker” than you should stop thinking about programming, not just dApps, but programming at all.

You should work your work and for your ideas make a presentation and hire someone who works his work, in this case, programming.

I don’t say this because of hard understanding and time consuming of programming, especially dApps. I say this because of the amazing feeling that you’ll get when you work with someone or someone work for you on your project.

Programming is hard, bro. There is no programmer that does other things than writing codes. It takes energy, time, focus. There are many problems in every programming process that also consume your energy, time, focus, etc.

You, Waseem Anis, have an amazing and most perspective professions that can realize all your dreams if you throw away ideas like starting to code or something. That’s jobs for others. You should stay focused on F&I.

Sorry for the demotivational answer but it’s just a logical perspective. The more people you engage with your projects and ideas, the easier will be.


Hi Waseem,

I started in the same way!

There’s no concrete path you can try however taking Python as its easier to learn and then move towards Javascript. Try automating/coding simple financial applications in Python, that would develop your interest, and then later on as you take non-technical courses here, I would say try to code simple blockchain using python (coding every step from transacting to encryption). That way you will learn the ins and outs of the blockchain tech. You can then attempt to do the same in Javascript and solidity (as long as your fundamentals of coding are strong, you won’t have a problem picking up a new language).

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