Why are my Ethereum test tokens from BlockXlabs not reaching me?

1 answers
1 votes
Why are my Ethereum test tokens from BlockXlabs not reaching me?

I have created an account on faucets.BlockXlabs.com to send test tokens to my MetaMask wallet.

When I click the pour button, a message is displayed saying the test tokens (Ethereum) have been mined successfully.

However when I click the button to view on the Block Explorer, the transactions cannot be found.

I have tried this numerous times on Windows PC, Android phone and iPad.

Some notes:
* I have verified my MetaMask account.
* I have tried on Rinkeby and Kovan networks.
* I have tried on Google Chrome and Firefox in Windows.
* I have searched on the Block Explorer using both my public Wallet address and TxN Hash from each attempt to pour tokens from the faucet.

If you might know what I’m missing, please let me know.


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